Above & Beyond is an after school program at Mill Hill that runs in three 6-week sessions, in the Fall, Winter and Spring. Each session offers various activities for all grades, taught by a mix of Mill Hill teachers, parents and local businesses. Classes run 3:40-4:40pm at the school. Students are dismissed directly to their Above & Beyond class, and pick-up is at the school entrance. Cost varies by class. 


Above & Beyond Committee: Michaela Garibaldi, Tener Huang, Sandra Samoviski

Email millhill.activities@gmail.com with questions.


• An active PTA MEMBERSHIP is required for enrollment. Please ensure your primary contact information as well as your child's grade and teacher are up to date in Membership Toolkit ahead of registration. If this is not up to date, you may be unable to register your child for a class.

• REGISTRATION will be online, but PAYMENT will be made through Venmo or check and go directly to the instructor. Payment must be made immediately following enrollment to confirm your child's spot.  

• This year for PARENT ON DUTY, one parent volunteer per class is required. Our parent volunteers are needed to ensure the safety of the children participating, as well as to assist teachers during dismissal. To sign up, click HERE or go to the 'Volunteer' circle on the left side of the home page.



How Do I Register For Classes?

The committee will send out a session preview prior to the registration period, via PTA email blasts and the Mill Hill Hawks social media accounts. We highly recommend joining the PTA each year so you don't miss out on any communications or have issues registering for classes. During the registration period, parents and guardians can go to the "Volunteer" section on the Mill Hill PTA website HERE and click the "registration" button under "store forms". 


Ensure that you complete the registration process and receive a confirmation email. The confirmation email will be sent to the primary email address on file with the PTA through your Membership Toolkit account. We recommend confirming that email address prior to sign up. 


How Do I Pay For Classes? 

• Above & Beyond class payments should be made via Venmo or check, depending on the instructor's preference. Each instructor's preferred payment information will be included at the bottom of the class description when you register.  


Day of Class & Dismissal Policy

• Above & Beyond classes run from 3:40-4:40. Each day your child has an Above & Beyond class, you will be responsible for updating School Dismissal Manager - choose the Above & Beyond option and include a note stating which class they are attending and what room they should be dismissed to. This information will be included in your confirmation email. 

• For dismissal after the Above & Beyond class, parents are requested to pick up their children at the front entrance. The Parent on Duty and instructors will walk the classes down to the front lobby for dismissal. The side doors by the gym and kindergarten will be locked, unless otherwise notified. Please make every effort to be on time for pick up. 

Parent on Duty
• For insurance purposes, there must be a parent present for every PTA sponsored event, and Above & Beyond is included in this. When you're signing up your child for a class, please also sign up for a 'Parent on Duty' slot for a day that works for you.  


As a Parent on Duty you are responsible for the following:
• Arriving in designated class room/area 10 minutes prior to the start of class (3:30)
• Ensuring that attendance is taken by the instructor
• Escorting students to bathroom and water fountain
• Helping the instructor with the students
• Dismissal of every child to his/her proper guardian from the front entrance only
• Staying until every child is picked up


Weather Cancellations If school is closed due to inclement weather, all Above & Beyond programs for that day will be cancelled. Children should go home as they normally do. If school is not closed early but it is raining/snowing and there are some questions about whether a class will be held, a decision will be made after 1 p.m. (Please do not call the school earlier because the office will have no information.) If a class is cancelled due to weather, parents will be emailed after 1 p.m. by an Above & Beyond committee member and an announcement will be made over the public address system to inform teachers and students. If, for some reason, your child cannot follow the usual dismissal routine, please call the office as soon as you have been notified of the cancellation.


Teacher Cancellations If a class is cancelled suddenly because the teacher can’t make it, parents will be called by the Front Office. An announcement will be made over the public address system.

Children should go home as they normally do if their class is cancelled. If for some reason your child cannot follow their usual dismissal routine, please notify the office.

PLEASE NOTE: On the days that your child is scheduled for a class, please check your phone & email messages if you are not at home. Cancellations can happen on short notice and it is imperative that we are able to reach a parent.


Make-up Classes If a class is cancelled, the teacher will try to reschedule the class on a date that works for the class. If your child can’t attend the make-up session there will be no refund of the course fee. If classes can’t be made up due to calendar limitations, no refunds will be issued.


Refunds We highly recommend that you triple check with your child that they want to take the class you're signing them up for and is free to take the class before signing them up. Refunds will be given only for unforeseen issues such long-term illness or injury. It will be up to the instructor's discretion whether or not they will offer refunds once the class session has begun.


Scholarships There is scholarship assistance available to qualifying students. Please email mhsptapresident@gmail.com with a copy to millhill.activities@gmail.com with your request. Or if you prefer, you can reach out to Kirsten Sabrowski, the school social worker at Mill Hill. Her email address is ksabrowski@fairfieldschools.org.  


Teaching a Course If you are interested in teaching a course for Above & Beyond, please email: millhill.activities@gmail.com.


Mill Hill Info